
Investing in Fire Sprinklers is Important for Your Bundaberg Business

By 21 June 2021No Comments

Fires are vicious, deadly and expensive. Businesses lose millions of dollars in damages as a result of fire every year. Commercial fires are one of the major factors to financial loss for businesses.

They not only threaten lives but also greatly impact operations. Being able to fully recover from the destruction and turmoil caused by fires is almost impossible. Most businesses close down for good.

Fire prevention and safety should be top priority in any industry, whether big or small. Being able to identify fire hazards helps prevent devastating fires from occurring in the first place.

But, what happens if a scenario can’t be helped? Keeping your business and employees safe from fire incidents does not end at prevention. Your establishment must also be prepared when an unfortunate event does happen.

A comprehensive fire protection system and planning must include adequate fire safety equipment installed in the premises. Fire safety equipment prevents fires from spreading and helps contain them.

A well-designed and well-maintained fire sprinkler system is one of the most effective weapons to fight off fire. Fire sprinklers can notably reduce the damage caused to property and assets. Also, it can provide employees and staff members more time to safely evacuate the building.

Fire sprinkler installation can be customized in terms of design and fire suppression method to best suit the needs of the building. They effectively increase the safety of the occupants and reduce the lasting damage caused by fire.

A fire sprinkler system is a vital part of a comprehensive fire protection strategy. It is designed to release enough suppression material to extinguish a fire entirely or, at least, prevent them from growing and spreading to other areas.

The most important reason why businesses should invest in fire sprinklers is that it saves lives. Fatalities are significantly reduced by installing a fire sprinkler system. By containing the fire to one area or completely extinguishing it, the chances of getting injured or killed is mitigated as occupants are given more time to safely evacuate the premises.

This fire protection equipment is also effective at reducing the amount of smoke produced by a fire. The smoke and fumes caused by the fire are toxic and one of the major causes of death in large fires. The fire sprinkler will reduce the amount of smoke produced by a fire, thus, prevent suffocation and vision-obscuring smoke from spreading through a building.

An uncontained fire will surely destroy properties and assets. The fire sprinkler system can reduce the amount of structural damage caused by fire by containing them in one area and prevent it from spreading throughout the entire building.

 Some business owners have the misconception that the water from the sprinklers could cause as much damage as the fire itself. Because of this belief, they minimise their sprinkler system coverage. This belief is untrue.

In a water-based system, sprinklers only let out the minimum amount of water required to contain the fire. The water is only released in the area affected by the fire. This can considerably reduce property damage and even save an entire building.

 Moreover, insurance providers offer reduced premiums for businesses fitted with sprinkler systems.

AS 2118 specifies the requirements for the design, installation, and commissioning of automatic fire sprinkler systems in buildings.

FCF Bundaberg encourages business owners to have their establishments check if they have an adequate fire protection system and strategy. Find out which sprinkler system would best suit your business to keep everything and everyone as safe as possible in the event of a fire emergency. 

FCF is one-stop fire protection and electrical service company dedicated to keeping you and your business safe. We offer a wide range of fire protection services including supply, installation, and routine inspection. Contact us today to learn more.

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